Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring turkey season begins May 1

May 1 is the start of the statewide spring turkey season. NY hunters with a small game hunting license and a turkey permit may take a total of 2 bearded toms (1 per day) during the spring season. The season runs from May 1 to May 30. Check your hunting regulation guide or DEC website
for full regulations.

This season may be especially challenging for the turkey hunter due to a warmer than average spring which has resulted in turkeys breeding earlier than normal. Also according to NYS DEC biologists the previous two nesting seasons saw extremely wet conditions which result in a lower survival rate for young turkeys. However the statewide population still remains strong, especially here in the North Country where many toms and hens are being seen in both farmland and woodland.

Be safe: do not stalk turkeys, be absolutely sure of your target (remember you can shoot bearded toms only, so there is no reason to shoot at something you have not positively identified), wear some orange when walking in and out of hunting area.

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